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Couples therapy

The closest relationships are the most rewarding and at the same time the most difficult relationships in our lives. That's how it is for everyone. Throughout life we encounter challenges in relationships. We therefore also need to look at these challenges in relationships in order to develop.

Couples therapy is about your relationship - the space between you. It is a room where we, among other things, looks at your individual needs, longings, frustrations and desires to have a clear and honest dialogue that is easier to navigate than hidden dreams or unspoken reproaches of the other. Relationships are about you being 2 individual people who must give space and room to be yourselves and at the same time make room for the community.

We all enter a relationship with a hidden and unconscious agenda that this is the relationship in which we can become ourselves. Where we will be able to have all our wishes and needs fulfilled. We can also often do that in the falling in love phase. When everyday life comes, many feel cheated, because they don't quite think that they satisfied the needs they had hoped to fulfill. Now reproaches can arise and the desire to change the other. "If only the other...", you could find yourself thinking.

Here, it can be difficult to see easy solutions. Here, couples therapy is a really good investment in your life and future. Here you will learn to communicate in a new way. As a therapist, I will keep you on the track of an open and curious dialogue, where you will both be heard and given space. According to Imago therapy, everything we say makes sense and is significant.

Communication is often a problem between couples. Couples who otherwise find it easy to talk to others may find it difficult in their relationship. You can be quick to defend yourself and misunderstand each other. You probably know it yourself, either from your relationship or from your base family, i.e. the family you come from

The goal is for you to improve your ability for joint problem solving. You get better at working together on the difficult things that arise and you find ways to find joy and spark in each other again.

I help you to communicate directly and clearly to each other in a way that helps to strengthen your cooperation. The therapy will also create space for you to express yourself about the difficult things in everyday life.​

With couple therapy, it is about both parties being able to stand on their own two feet and have the necessary insight to be able to address the important problems and frustrations. The paradox is that when both parties gain this insight, they are not as different as they thought.

By having therapy together, you will learn more about each other and thus find it easier to understand each other. You will gain an understanding of reality that will expand your self-understanding, which will then in turn make you more clear in your communication and thus make your relationship easier.​

"Behind the anger, there is a pain."

"Behind the pain, there is a longing or a need." The imago.

​"You make sense." The imago

​"My girlfriend and I have been in couples therapy with Eva and I can highly recommend her. Eva set a safe framework for how to communicate via the Imago dialogue. The safe space made it possible for me to open up to my boyfriend about many important and difficult topics. I was always surprised by how many new insights we gained about each other. We still benefit from the fine feeling we have gained for each other's vulnerabilities.”
​Anna, Client.

​"​In couples therapy with Eva, we experienced being able to talk together about really difficult topics with good contact between us. Eva facilitated the meeting and the Imago method, so that we both came out on the other side with a deeper understanding of each of our points of view, and a noticeable experience of ourselves as a couple. Eva always has our warmest recommendations.”
​Henrik & Lea​
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