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Children and teenagers

The challenges of children and young people are incredibly important to take seriously.

When you are taken seriously early in life, you become better equipped for self-awareness and to cope with life's challenges for the rest of your life.

Parents cannot do everything for their children. One is that the children/young people are not always aware of what they need and therefore cannot ask for help. Another thing is that parents are not always the best at meeting their children's needs. Perhaps because the parents themselves have not met the same needs and are therefore not in contact with them and thus cannot pass this experience on.

It may sound a bit convoluted, but it's very simple. We can't give away something we don't have. Quite impractically, we cannot give our children an expensive trip if we cannot afford it.

Parents always want the best for their children, no matter how old the children are. It can be difficult as a parent to receive criticism from your children. Especially when the children are having a hard time, as the parents can easily feel inadequate here. The parents therefore often defend themselves instead of listening to the child's needs, with the result that both parties feel wronged.

The parent/child relationship is very important throughout our lives, no matter how old we are.

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